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Java Curry/ジャワカレー #52335

Java Curry/ジャワカレー I m a newbie at JavaScript trying to understand this tutorial about currying from Oreilly JavaScript Cookbook. Could someone be kind enough to explain this program in Find the recipe for Javanese Chicken Curry and other garlic recipes at House Foods makers of Vermont, Java, Kokumaro, Fruiche, Curry Sauce with Vegetables, Mabo Tofu Sauce, Mugicha, and Spices.

As part of supper tonight, I made curry, using one box of Java Curry. Top: Java Curry Karakuchi (Hot) Bottom: Vermont Curry Karakuchi (Hot) 今日の夕飯には、ジャワカレーを1箱使って、カレーを作りました。 上: ジャワカレー 辛口 下: バーモントカレー 辛口Java Curry/ジャワカレー
Java Curry/ジャワカレー I was going to write that Java Curry Karakuchi is the hottest of all House brands, but then I noticed that I was wrong. Java Curry Spicy Blend is now the hottest.
Java Curry/ジャワカレー I'm a "thinking cook"; I'm always thinking of better ways to make dishes, and making curry using store-bought curry roux is no exception! Here's my current way:

I no longer stir-fry sliced onion with oil in a frying pan or pot. I put sliced onion and carrot in a pot, add some (about 100 ml) water, turn on the gas, put on the lid. When the onion is done, add potato and pork, some water*, put on the lid again, bring to a boil, and simmer for 10 minutes.
* The instructions on the box say to add 1,300 ml of water, but I add less water (say, 900 ml).
フライパンや鍋で油で玉ねぎを炒めるのは止めました。玉ねぎと人参を鍋に入れ、水を少し(100 ml程)入れ、火を付け、蓋をします。玉ねぎに火が通ったら、ジャガイモと豚肉を入れ、水を少し*入れ、また蓋をして、沸騰させ、10分煮ます。
*箱の説明では、æ°´ã‚’1,300 ml入れるよう書いてありますが、私は少な目(たとえば900 ml)にします。
Java Curry/ジャワカレー Then, I turn off the gas, and add some water (150 ml this time) to quickly lower the temperature of the contents of the pot. I add curry roux, and stir well to dissolve the roux.
そして、火を止め、水を少し(今回は150 ml)入れ、鍋の中身の温度を即座に冷まし、カレールーを入れ、溶けるようよく混ぜます。
Java Curry/ジャワカレー The roux is dissolved completely.
Java Curry/ジャワカレー Then, I turn on the gas again, and reheat the curry until thickened, while constantly stirring.
Java Curry/ジャワカレー This time, I used 1,150 (100 + 900 + 150) ml of water in total, slightly less than 1,300 ml, which the instructions on the box call for.
今回は、水は全部で1,150 ( 100 + 900 + 150) m使いました。箱に書いてある説明書きより若干少な目です。

The rice was left over from this morning's rice, rice plus oshi mugi (lit. pressed barley), to be more precise.
Java Curry/ジャワカレー I also made clear soup with these brown enoki.
Java Curry/ジャワカレー I used three MS eggs.
Java Curry/ジャワカレー My wife and children had the rice shown above, but I had shochu instead.
Java Curry/ジャワカレー So, this was my supper.
Java Curry/ジャワカレー The mug contained a 1:4 mixture of shochu and barley tea.

I avoid having rice when I have alcohol.

source :,,

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