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Technological developments areincreasingly changingandincreasinglysophisticated. Cloud computingisthe latest developmentofclient server.applications andfilesare storedin the"cloud". The cloudsarecomposed of hundredsoreven thousands ofcomputers connectedtogether andcan be accessedviathe Internet. With cloudcomputing,what youdo will beweb based andnotbaseddesktop. Youcan accessall your programs anddocuments fromany computerconnected to the Internet.

Propertiesof CloudComputing

1.Distributedinfrastructure. Some of theinfrastructurecan take manytechnology platformsand evenoneinstanceapplication.
2. Serviceson demand. whenused. Sothe servicevariesin terms ofusers, capacity, transactionor a combination.

3.Servicesthere is nolimit todevelopment.

4.Ifthere is a fee, based onthe consumption ofservices

5.Servicescan be accessed fromany areain the world usinga variety ofdifferent devices. In terms oftechnique, Cloudhas twotypes:privateand public. PubliccloudusuallyofferingITservicestoall customersvia theinternet. While theprivatecloud, usuallyonly provideservicestoa specific groupwithaccessviathe Internetorvia aprivate network. There are alsointernaland externalcloud. InternalCloudis partof theprivatecloud, while the externalcloudis acloudthatprovideservicestoother companies.

Categories ofCloudComputing

1. Infrastructure as aservice (IaaS)
IaaS isprovides aprocessing environment(servers, storage, loadbalancerandfirewall). This servicecan beimplemented forseveral companies. An example isvirtualization, but there are alsoimplementationsthat usea part ofthis service.

2.Platformas a service(PaaS)
PaaS isprovides an environmentfordeveloping and runningapplications.Authentication, authorization, sessionmanagement, andmeta data

3.Software as aservice (SaaS)
SaaSis a modelof the mostcomplexcloud. Softwareas a Serviceprovides thefunctionalitythat is usedto solve specific problems. Someexamples ofusing theSaaSsolutionisintelligence, web conferencing,e-mail, office, automation suites,andsalesforce automation
Why useCloudComputing?

1.Lower costs.
With thecheaper cost, youcanruncloud applicationsusing a computerthat hasasmallercapacity harddisk,lessmemory, more efficientprocessoretc..Or evenuse a computerwithout aCD /DVDdrive,no need to installsoftware, andthere are nodocuments thatneed to be storedbecausestorage is donein thecloud.

2.Better performance
Performance ofcloud computingwill be lighterbecause unlikea desktopPC runninga lot of software,so that resources areusednot overloadcomputer .

3.Moreefficientinfrastructure cost
With cloudcomputing,hardware and software upgradescan be saved, because the hardwareand softwareshould be usedfor cloudcomputing is nottoo high. Cloud computingdoes notneed muchmaintenancecost.

4.Softwarecostsmore economical.
Many companies areusing softwarethatpaida high price. But withcloud computingthere are manyfreesoftware. Suchservicesareprovided by Google.

Another advantage ofusingcloud computingin terms ofusermanagement softwareisnoneed to updatethe softwaremanually using thedownloadedpatch, because the softwareisin the cloud andupdatedby developers

6.Increased datasecurity.The data that you store in thecloudwillpersistin the cloud, in arelativelysafeplace. Notare likedesktopcomputingwherethe hard drivecan causedamage toyour datais lost. Crashoncloud computingdoes not causethe datais corruptedbecausethe cloudwillautomaticallyduplicateyour data

7.Increasedoperatingsystem compatibility.
Incloudcompuntingyoucan useany operatingsystem. Youcanconnectyourcomputer windowsto thecloud . The most important thingis the data, not theoperating system.

8.Collaboration easier.
By using thecloud, people in the UnitedStatescould easilycollaboratewithpeople inAustralia,orinJapan, Indonesia, Europe. Distanceis notaproblem. asalakaneverything isconnected to the Internet.

9.Access your documentseasierCloud systemdoes not requirean externalthe storage media. Youdo notneed to bringdocuments, because youcan easilyput it in thecloud, and thenaccess itfrom the client


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