- How to Configure DNS Server and DNS Suffix
Now, i want to explain about configure DNS Server and DNS Suffix, i hope this lesson can useful for you. So farthe newservercomputerhas an IP address.Withits IPaddress192.168.1.1 , but not yet have aspecificdomainname, for example idstudy.comor others.Here are the stepsthatthe DNSservers are able to translates domain namesintoIPaddressesand vice versafromthe address IPto thedomainnameand how tocreate anew domaininthe computerserver.
Installation DNS Server
1. klik Start
2. Control Panel
3. Add/Remove Windows Components
4. "in Windows Components" choose Networking Services, klik Details
5. "in Networking Services" choose Domain Name System (DNS)
6. then klik OK, Next, until finish.
when installing DNS, klik OK when "Optional Networking Components" is viewed.
then you have to configure IP address in your network card. click Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) > Properties > in "Use the following IP address" type in example IP address : ( ( in Preferred DNS server : ( ( > click OK > Close
After finish, you have to configure Forward Lookup Zones
1. click Start
2. Administrative Tools
3. Right click Forward Lookup Zones, Next
4. check Primary zone, Next
5. type your Zone name, example :, Next
6. in Zone File, check Create a new file, Next
7. in Dynamic Update, check Allow both nonsecure, Next
8. Finish
The second, you have to configure Reverse Lookup Zones
1. click Start
2. Administrative Tools
3. Right click Forward Lookup Zones, Next
4. check Primary zone, Next
5. in Reverse Lookup Zone Name, type Network ID : 192.168.1, Next
6. in Zone File, check Create a new file, Next
7. in Dynamic Update, check Allow both nonsecure, Next
8. Finish
In this session, you have to active "Pointer (PTR)"
1. click Start
2. Run
3. type : CMD, type : ipconfig /registerdns
4. then restart your system
Viewthe video belowaboutconfigureDNSServerandDNSSuffix:
After finish installation DNS Server, now you can configure DNS Suffix.
1. Right clik My Computer
2. Choose tab Computer Name
3. click Change
4. type Computer Name : aldoserver, then click More
5. in Primary DNS Suffix type :, OK
5. click OK and restart your system.
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